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Most people not only know there life's purpose,they pray about it too.-Hey God,I was wondering......
       MINNEAPOLIS,March 24,1999-Is each person put on Earth for a special purpose? Most people think so, according to a nationwide Lutheran Brotherhood survey conducted by Yankelovich Partners. Most Americans (76%) beleive that a higher being created them for a specific purpose and almost half (45%) of them say they understand there purpose very well.
"It's inspirational to learn that so many people beleive that they were created to carry out something special and that they know what it is,"says Louise Thoreson, Lutheran Brotherhood's vice president of fraternal."Meaning and direction in life are roted in people's spiritual beliefs." People earning less than $35,000 per year are more likely to beleive God created them for a specific purpose, compared to people with higher incomes. The more education people have, the less likely they are to beleive they have a specific purpose. Those who say they understand their purpose the best include people with low incomes, senior citizens and weekly churchgoers.

Many people pray about achieving their life's purpose. Of Americans who beleive they have a special purpose, most (89%) of them pray for guidance to fulfill that purpose.
The million dollar question
       Although people say they understand their life's purpose, many would like the opportunity to confirm it with God. If people could ask  God or their supreme being one question, one-third (34%) would ask what  their purpose on Earth is. The percentage of people who would ask other questions include:

---Will I have life after death?=19%
---Why do bad things happen?=16%
---Is their intelligent life someplace besides earth?=7%
---How long will I live=6%

  Men are twice as likely as women to say they would ask God about lif on other planets (10% vs. 5%). Generation Xers are more likely than older adults to wonder about life after death.
Make yourself comfortable
What gives people the most comfort in life? Almost half (44%) say that faith in God or a supreme being comforts them the most and an equal percentage say family and friends are the greatest source of comfort.
   Seven percent feel the most comfort having enough money. Twice as many men than women say that money gives them the most comfort (9% vs.4%)
How do others get comfort? The older they are, the more people rely on God rather than loved ones for comfort. The more money people make, the more they get comfort from loved ones rather than God. People who earn the lowest income (less than $20,000 per year) are most likely to get comfort from money compared with people earning higher incomes.

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Editor's Note: "Lutheran Brotherhood Reports" is a comprehensive survey on attitudes and issues facing American families. Yankelovich Partners conducted the survey by telephone among 1,006 randomly selected adult Americans. The margarin of error for the total is +/-3.1 percentage points. Interviews were completed February 8-16,1999.